Episode 40 of the “Aerospace Ambition Podcast” featuring Dr Alexandru Rap (University of Leeds) is out!

Talking Points

  • Key drivers of aviation’s climate impact: CO₂, contrails, NOₓ, and their interactions
  • Contrail formation factors: humidity, engine efficiency, and soot emissions
  • Advances in modelling persistent contrails and mitigating their warming effects
  • Fuel innovations: reducing soot with bio-kerosene, e-kerosene, and hydrotreating
  • Hydrogen aviation’s potential: increased water vapour vs reduced soot emissions
  • Lessons from military aviation on contrail avoidance for climate mitigation


Alex is an Associate Professor in Atmospheric Science at the University of Leeds’ School of Earth and Environment. Two of his many areas of expertise are aviation’s climate impact and contrail parameterisations for climate models. He led his university’s work for the ATI that is the UK Aerospace Technology institute, as part of the FlyZero program and is now working with Airbus and Rolls Royce on the Contrails Assessment for future aircraft and propulsion architectures and aerosol cloud interactions.




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