Embark on a journey with Episode 6 of the “Aerospace Ambition Podcast,” featuring our distinguished guest Alejandra Martín Frías!
We’re excited to have Alejandra Martin join us in this episode. A pioneer in the field of operational contrail management, Alejandra serves as the Head of Contrail Research and Sustainability at Flightkeys and is also deeply involved in an industrial PhD focusing on Contrail Mitigation strategies. Her innovative work was recently highlighted at the Sustainable Skies Conference, involving collaborations with major organizations such as Breakthrough, Google, and American Airlines.
Key Discussion Topics:
• Exploring Flightkeys’ contribution to contrail management & its flight planning software products.
• Understanding the advantages of integrating research directly into operational applications.
• Examining the balance between simulated experiments & actual in-flight trials.
• Investigating airlines’ perspectives on contrail management & their acceptable fuel trade-offs.
• Discussing alternative methods to the cocip model for predicting contrail formation.
• Delving into how Flightkeys’ cost optimizer in flight planning can incorporate contrail impact considerations.
Steering the conversation are hosts Marius and Kieren. Continuing our enlightening series, Alejandra passes on a question to Remi Chevallier, a PhD candidate at ENAC and Airbus, who will be our featured guest in the upcoming episode. Stay connected for more insightful episodes!
Alejandra: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alejandra-martin-frias/
Marius: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariuswedemeyer/
Kieran: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kieran-t-7b9952102/
AAMBITION Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/55033eb444bd/aambition-newsletter
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